6 Open-Ended Toys for All Ages

As soon as you have kids you will notice stuff and more particularly toys piling up everywhere in your house. You will also find, that half the dolls, toy cars and teddy bears aren’t even used that often. The solution is simple but effective: Open-ended toys! What Are Open-Ended Toys? Open-ended toys are like the name suggests, toys that can be used in a million different ways and over many years. Instead of having just one or a handful of…

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7 Easy Plastic Free Swaps for Busy Parents

Having kids comes with this whole entire life you didn’t know existed before you became a parent! There are so many decisions to make, so many things to consider and remember. Whether you are picking out the perfect school, trying to make up your mind on a car seat, or simply figuring out which colour cup your toddler will drink his water out today! It isn’t easy! Convenience is a parent’s best friend! And boy we get convenience shoved into…

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Cloth Nappies: How to get started

You are here because you are thinking about making the switch to cloth nappies! How exciting! I promise you now, it is easier than you might think. There are so many reasons why people use reusable nappies. My main motivating factor was definitely the reduction of waste. The thought of my children’s nappies still hanging around in landfill in 400 years was enough to steer me towards reusable nappies. That’s just one reason though. Cloth nappies are also a lot…

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Best non-toxic nail polish (not) just for children

More often than not, our kids want whatever it is we (the adults) have – nail polish is no exception. However, if you have ever read the ingredients list of conventional polishes you would be slow applying it to your own nails let alone your kids nails. It is believed that nail polish is, in fact, one of the most toxic beauty products out there. I have taken a look at the ingredients commonly found in regular nail polish and…

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