UPDATED Toniebox Review: Everything you need to know about the innovative audio player for children!

At the end of 2018, the Toniebox launched in Ireland and the UK! The innovative, fun and child-friendly digital audio player is the brainchild of the German friends Patric and Marcus. When they wanted to give their children an easy way to listen to audiobooks and music without adding to their screentime and without having to handle CDs or tapes: The Toniebox was born! The Toniebox is a portable and easy-to-use digital audio player for children. Audiobooks and songs are…

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Easy Christmas Crafts for Families

December is a month to intentionally slow down, spend time with our loved ones and soak in all the magic. One of my most favourite memories of my childhood Christmasses is craft afternoons with my mum and my sisters. You’d think I would have grown up being a bit more talented when it comes to arts & crafts. But fact is, I am not. So I for my own family now I really needed to find some easy Christmas Crafts…

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Chameleon Reader Review: Turn Your Books into Audiobooks for Kids

Stories, tales, and books are a big part of life – especially when raising children. In our house storytime is my favourite time of the day! No matter how crazy the day was, we love cuddling up at the end of it for a quiet story. There are also moments, however, when my kids wish they could read by themselves whenever they want. Since they are only starting to learn how to read audiobooks for kids are the perfect solution,…

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6 Open-Ended Toys for All Ages

As soon as you have kids you will notice stuff and more particularly toys piling up everywhere in your house. You will also find, that half the dolls, toy cars and teddy bears aren’t even used that often. The solution is simple but effective: Open-ended toys! What Are Open-Ended Toys? Open-ended toys are like the name suggests, toys that can be used in a million different ways and over many years. Instead of having just one or a handful of…

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